“California is being ruined by the influence of wealthy special interests. If voters want accountability, affordability, and safety, they must elect new leaders.”
I have a vision to make California Great Again and I need your support to transform it into reality. My vision is to approach issues with common sense and a respect for taxpaying voters. The burning issues of California, such as immigration, homelessness, crime, inflation, discrimination, our deteriorating education system, and climate change, can only be solved if we take special interests out of the equation and focus on addressing the cause of each problem.
There must be consequences for bad behavior. AB 109, and Props. 47 and 57 have not led to safer communities and must be repealed. Businesses and property owners must be allowed to defend their investments and homes and victims should be given priority over criminals.
The State and Federal governments should stay out of education policy and local school boards should be allowed to set curriculum and to engage with parents. Education unions should not be allowed to donate to public officials who are voting on their contracts. Improving academic skills should be prioritized and guided by the needs of each school. Political/social indoctrination does not belong in the schools and parents should have a right to transparency on all matters relating to their children.
Voters have passed bonds that never result in the projects as promised. Taxpayers are forced to pay excessive fees and charges with no accountability. Audits are needed periodically for every agency to make certain duplication is avoided and programs are effective. Budgets should always be balanced and voting records on spending made available to the public.
When issues arise, you can always follow the money to see where the blame lies. Politicians should not get rich off their tenure in public office. Here, transparency is crucial. Elected officials should be required to disclose not only political contributions received, but also donations made to non-profits they promote in order to gain political favor. And non-profits should be audited to ensure they are not actually political arms of elected officials or parties. Our current state government is not solving problems, while thousands of non-profits and political organizations are fully funded to address these issues.
California is a Sanctuary State that welcomes undocumented and unvetted immigrants. Meanwhile, we have the highest percentage of homeless residents, rent and home ownership is unaffordable, and our welfare program provides incentives not to work or be self-sufficient. This cannot be sustained and is unfair to taxpayers. As an immigrant who obtained citizenship through legal channels, I understand the importance of the legal immigration process and oppose our open borders and sanctuary policies.
Born to a poor farming family in a remote area of India
Highly dedicated student with a vision of being a scientist who achieved a government scholarship and completed his BS and MS in Computer Engineering
Worked as a scientist for the Indian Space Research
Organization and coordinated with USA’s NASA.
Worked for various IT companies in the USA and completed his PhD in Management.
Became a Naturalized Citizen of the USA.
Remains involved in space research programs and is credited with more than 25 research papers.
Enjoys playing Soccer, Volleyball, Chess, & Carrom.
Married to Mira Singh for 37 years with three adult children.
If you answered “NO” to any of these questions, then vote to change the legislators who represent you in the 2024 election. Otherwise, nothing will improve.
Dr Singh’s campaign kicks off on September 6, 2023. Door-to-door campaign will start that day. Please join us at 8755 Center Parkway, Sacramento at 9:00 AM.
8755 Center Parkway,
6 September 2023
9:00 AM
Dr. Vinaya Singh, PhD
CA Assembly District 10: Elk Grove, Florin, Freeport, Fruitridge, Pocket, Lemon Hill, Parkway, Sacramento, Vineyard
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